Services for Adults & Seniors

TB Testing

These services are available to all Richland County residents. Fees are dependent on the type of service required. No one will be denied service due to inability to pay. Medicare and Medicaid are accepted.

Tuberculosis (TB) Testing

The Tuberculosis program provides screening and treatment for active cases of TB and conducts evaluations for those individuals who have come in contact with active TB patients. Program services include

TB Skin Tests

Tests are available as a screening tool at Richland Public Health. Tests are done by appointment only. You will be asked to return 72 hours later to have your test read by a nurse. The cost is $42.00 (includes the test, read, and the follow-up report). We accept Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurance.

TB Case Management

Evaluation of suspect and active TB cases by a physician. Medications are provided for active cases and preventive medicine is provided for those recommended by the physician free of charge to Richland County patients.

TB Chest X-Rays

As a follow-up measure, people with positive skin tests will be referred for a TB chest x-ray and further testing as recommended by a physician.

Community Health Screenings

Community Health Screenings are free health assessments from Richland Public Health nurses for all ages and all Richland County residents at locations close to home.

Community Health Screenings include the following for FREE:

  • Blood Pressure Screening
  • Hemoglobin Screening
  • Hematocrit* Screening
  • Weight Check
  • Blood Sugar Screening (requires 3-hour fast)
  • Cholesterol Screenings are also available for a $12 charge (cash or check only).
    Requires a 9 to 12-hour fast.

*The hematocrit test indicates the percentage of blood by volume that is composed of red blood cells. The condition called “anemia” results from having too few red blood cells.

For more information call 419-774-4550.

Safe Medicine Disposal

Ohio EPA on Sharps Disposal

Never leave needles or syringes on streets, in parks, or anywhere else where they could injure someone.

In Richland County

The Mansfield Police Department has a permanent dropbox for medications. It is located on the first floor of the main entrance to the Police Department in the hallway to the right. No needles or fluids are allowed for disposal at this location.