Richland Public Health
555 Lexington Ave.
Mansfield, Ohio 4407
Main Phone Number
Our main number is answered 24/7 for public health emergencies and reporting of communicable diseases after hours.
Fax Numbers
Administration: 419-774-4557
Clinic: 419-774-5577
Communicable Diseases: 419-774-0025
Environmental Health: 419-774-0845
Public Health Nursing: 419-774-4590
Vital Statistics: 419-774-0575
WIC: 419-774-3926
Community Health & Prevention Science: 419-774-0257
Richland Public Health is located at 555 Lexington Avenue in Mansfield, Ohio. Although our address is Lexington Avenue, the entrance is off Sterkel Boulevard. We are the first building on the left when turning from the light onto Sterkel Boulevard. We are across from Sutton Bank. We are just one block north of CenturyLink Telephone Company and the YMCA Building.
The Richland County Transit (RCT) provides public transportation to Richland Public Health. The RCT bus stop is located at Lexington Avenue and Sterkel Boulevard, directly in front of the Health Department.
Directions from I-71
- Travel north on OH-13 for about 3.0 miles and exit on Cook Road.
- Turn left on East Cook Road and travel 1.5 miles.
- Turn right onto US-42 (also called Lexington Avenue).
- Stay straight on US-42 past the CenturyLink Building
- Turn right on Sterkel Boulevard.
- Richland Public Health is the first building on the left.
Directions from US-30
- Exit US-30 at OH-13.
- Travel south on OH-13 through Mansfield Square.
- Follow OH-13 south to the “Y” in the road veer onto US-42
- Continue south on Lexington Avenue
- Turn left on Sterkel Boulevard.
- Richland Public Health is the first building on the left.
Business Hours
Office Hours
Mon – Thu: 8a – 4:30 p
Fri: 8a – 4p
Plumbing Hours
Mon-Thu: 7:30a – 3:30p
Fri: 7:30a-3:00p
WIC Department Hours
Wed: 10a – 6:30p
Public Records Request
Questions or Concerns
Lead Personnel
Dr.Julie Chaya
Health Commissioner
Dr. Daniel Burwell
Medical Director
Andrea Wildenthaler
Director of Community Health & Prevention
Joe Harrod
Director of Environmental Health
Kevin VanMeter
Director of Fiscal Operations
Anita Douville
Director of Human Resources
Amy Schmidt
Director of Nursing
Tina Picman
WIC (Women Infants & Children) Director