What You Can Do


In-ground pet waste composters – Type this into your browser and you will find many choices.

Create your own pet waste composter – This is another possibility. Type into your browser, there are even YouTube videos on the subject.

You could also flush pet waste down the toilet, but if your home is on a septic system, think twice. Talk with the manufacturer and make sure your septic can handle the extra load.

Another option is to install an underground pet waste digester that works much the same as a septic system. These affordable, easy-to-install tools enable you to dispose of the pet waste without ever having to bring it inside your home.

Lastly, you could choose to bury your pet’s droppings. Bury the waste in several different locations around your yard (never near vegetable gardens) in holes 12 inches deep. Be sure to cover the waste with at least 8 inches of soil.

Be a PUP Partner

Be a PUP pledge card distribution point. Contact us and we’ll get some cards to you.

Donate food, towels, blankets or cleaning supplies to the Richland County Dog Warden or sponsor the adoption fee of a dog in their care.

Put an article about PUP on your website or in your newsletter.

Join the PUP street team and encourage others to take the PUP pledge.

We need to spread the word about PUP. If you can think of other ways to help, let us know.

Take the Pledge

Picking up after your pet is the simplest way to protect water quality and be a good neighbor.

Take the pledge and receive a FREE PUP kit!