Newborn Programs

Prenatal and Newborn Home Visits

Free Nurse Home Visit for Richland County Moms, because your pregnancy and newborn baby didn’t come with an instruction manual!

Prenatal and Newborn Home Visits – We Visit You!

Richland Public Health will provide a registered nurse from Public Health Nursing to visit you before the birth of your child or your newborn child (up to eight weeks old) in your home. They will assess you and your child and help answer questions you may have including:

  • Growth questions
  • Emotions
  • Helpful tips
  • Feeding questions
  • New roles
  • Community Information
  • Sibling rivalry
  • Development questions

Schedule a Prenatal or Newborn Home Visit, or Cribette Program Visit

These are FREE services funded by levy dollars and the Richland County Youth and Family Council.
Call 419-774-4540 to schedule an appointment or mail or fax a copy of the form below.