Richland Public Health is excited to partner with Pampers and Procter & Gamble to bring baby changing stations to men's restrooms throughout Richland County.

In 2018, a Florida father, Donte Palmer tweeted a photo of himself squatting in a stall and changing his son’s diaper on his legs. Palmer was forced to do this after he was unable to find a changing table inside a men’s restroom. This tweet went viral and Palmer founded #SquatForChange – an organization committed to arming dads with the proper changing tables to be hands in with their children. Pampers found that 9 out of 10 dads have gone into a public restroom to not find a changing table. They joined the fight with Palmer to properly equip public restrooms with these resources. In 2018, Pampers pledged to install 5,000 changing tables in men’s restrooms by 2021. Click HERE to read more about Donte’s story.

Click HERE to see how many changing tables Pampers has installed to date.

For more information,  please contact:

Dr. Julie Chaya, Director

Phone: (419) 774-0806

Email: jchaya@richlandhealth.org


Shannon Nelson, Coordinator

Phone: (419) 774-4761

Email: snelson@richlandhealth.org
